
WATSU®  – a passive form of aquatic bodywork, during which the receiver, is floated, massaged, and stretched while being supported by the water and the practitioner.

Slow, rhythmic, graceful, and supportive movements invite your body and mind to sink deep into a meditative, relaxing state during which cell repair and regeneration are stimulated. 

Adéle Pudney will teach all the WATSU® 1 & 2 courses in Cape Town, KZN, and Johannesburg in 2024.

She is a registered WABA WATSU® 1 & 2 Instructor & Physiotherapist.

Basic WATSU® and WATSU® 1 courses are open to anyone 18 years or older and no prerequisites are required.

See prerequisites for W2 and W3 below.

Non-licensed touch practitioners have to complete additional training as per WABA International Practitioner Requirements

Healthcare practitioners with a license to touch i.e. physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, biokineticists, etc. will benefit tremendously from this course in all of their handling skills (in and out of the water).

All WATSU® 1 courses consist of Basic WATSU® (1st 2 days) and Transition Flow (following 4 days). Students can take either Basic WATSU® OR Transition Flow (after completion of Basic WATSU®) OR the full WATSU®1 course. 
Basic WATSU® material is also covered and reviewed during a W2 and W3 course.

During a WATSU® course, you will learn:

  • WATSU® body mechanics
  • Unique, specialized WATSU® movements,
  • Head support and alignment
  • Keeping your receiver comfortable and safe,
  • Being present in the moment and connecting with breath for deeper relaxation,
  • How to use buoyancy and turbulence,
  • Stillness, 
  • Following movement